Marketing and Fundraising

 Tell your story, amplify your mission and attract supporters.


Organizational Assessment

Examine your systems and processes to find efficiency and improvement.


Strategy and Planning

Stop putting out constant fires. Let’s build a forest management plan.


Equity and Community

Let’s build an equitable, community-centered future together.


Growing Things is My Superpower

I grow vegetables, herbs, flowers, and wildlife habitat in my front yard in South Sacramento. I grow nonprofits wherever they might be. I grow people through mentorship and coaching. So, if you don’t want to grow, this might not be the place for you.

How’s Your Tilth?

Any farmer or back yard gardener learns this first: good healthy soil is not just dirt. It is comprised of many things working together. It is ALIVE and moving, breathing, consuming, excreting, growing, dying and changing. So, too, is your community. How close is your community to what you would consider “healthy”? What is it missing that would close the gap?

Community = Soil

My approach to solving community problems is similar to the process I use to create healthy garden soil, or “good tilth.” Many important things must combine: nutrients, space, air, water, time and millions of itty-bitty organisms all working in partnership.

Bad Soil = Unmet Needs

Maybe the soil of your community has become compacted over time, like the hardpan here in the Sacramento valley – rich in nutrients deposited over time, but too dense to support life. Maybe it is too thin and sandy, lots of fluff and air but not enough substance to really sustain its members.

Let’s Get Our Hands in the Dirt

Let’s take a soil sample, hold it in our hand, smell it, taste it, crumble it between our fingers. Maybe the soil of your community has become compacted over time, like the hardpan here in the Sacramento valley – rich in nutrients deposited over time, but too dense to support life. Maybe it is too thin and sandy, lots of fluff and air but not enough substance to really sustain its members. My consulting approach begins with an assessment of the systems you use to communicate, to allocate resources, to build a sustainable future for your organization. I could just help you raise more funds, but here’s no point in throwing water at a plant suffering from root rot.

Let’s Grow Together

Let’s talk about what we can do together to increase your nonprofit’s visibility, expand your mission and fund your critical needs so your impact can grow taller. I can help with strategy, sustainability assessment, cultural responsiveness, equity and inclusion. I can build a CRM or redo a tired website, craft a social media calendar, or map out a sustainability plan.

I can help you grow.

Are you ready?

Let’s meet for a chat. First one’s on me.

Or drop me a line here.