Comin’ in Hot: What I’m Obsessed with Right Now

I’m so excited to announce my newest project: Cultivate! (A Capacity Garden). I’ll be leading a cohort through training and support sessions related to Big Day of Giving.
Data from past Big Days of Giving reflect locally what we know is true across the nation: BIPOC-led nonprofits typically receive less funding for their organizations, despite high-quality outcomes and strong relationships in the communities they serve. Cultivate creates space for collaboration, connection, and collective learning among Big Day of Giving participants who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) and/or represent BIPOC-led nonprofits in our community. Marisa brings a warm, engaging approach to teaching fundraising fundamentals that is culturally sensitive and community-centered.
Sacramento Region Community Foundation

LEARN MORE about Cultivate!
Recent Work
What IF Conference
I worked with Impact Foundry, planning and hosting their What IF? Conference in April 2022.. This two-day virtual gathering convened some of the sharpest minds in philanthropy, nonprofit management, human resources, fundraising, and much, much more. I appeared in several capacities at this event, speaking and facilitating discussions about mission-critical, timely issues in the nonprofit world. I also hosted four podcast episodes, interviewing speakers from the conference and boosting registrations.
Impact Foundry’s Cultural Intelligence Unit
In 2020, I joined the faculty of the Impact Foundry. This local nonprofit resource center offers resources and tools for nonprofit organizations here in Sacramento and well beyond. My webinar series on Community-Centric Fundraising produced with the Impact Foundry‘s Cultural Intelligence Unit were quite well-received.
I’ve been busy speaking to groups including AFPCCC, California CASA, AFP Chicago about Community-Centric Fundraising. The message has evolved now to include exciting examples of this innovation in fundraising that are showing early results! If you want to hear about it, book me now – I am scheduling for Spring 2023 and my calendar is filling quickly. Appropriate for experienced, mid-career fundraisers, but early-career folks can find benefit as well.
How to be an Anti-Racist Fundraiser: An Introduction to the People and Principles of Community-Centric Fundraising
This webinar was for members of an Austin-based nonprofit meetup group. It was a broad overview of the important work of people in the new Community-Centric Fundraising movement, complete with simple, actionable steps towards improving equity, diversity, social justice efforts.
What the Heck is TikTok (and why should your nonprofit care?)
This fast-paced and musical exploration of TikTok and the implications it could have for nonprofit marketing, fundraising and advocacy efforts was enthusiastically received. I remain completely addicted to this fascinating platform and watch the efforts of nonprofits in that space very closely.
Board Training – Folsom Historical Society
I presented strategies for maximizing their Big Day of Giving efforts and they raised a record amount, including new matching gifts!
Big Day of Giving 2021
I appeared recently with the Sacramento Region Community Foundation and Valley Vision along with several nonprofit thought leaders, to discuss the current atmosphere in fundraising and Big Day of Giving‘s role in lifting up our community. Scheduled for early May each year, this event is an exciting 24-hour giving day in the Sacramento area. This year the effort broke records (again!) and raised over $13MM for 700 nonprofits.
My mentees, who were all part of the 90 brand new organizations participating this year, reported donations beyond their goals and tons of learning for future years. One of my mentees even won an additional prize after I encouraged them to create individual fundraising pages. Mentoring is truly one of my favorite things to do – I love to be a cheerleader and raise up others who are working to create a better world. What higher purpose could I have?
Not to brag, but here’s some feedback from attendees at the #bigdayofgiving training bootcamp I curated and and moderated: (proceeds to brag)
Marisa is always engaging and inspiring!
Marisa’s presentation was excellent.
The combination of data, analysis and examples was well balanced and extremely informative.
What a well thought out program!
My Super-Awesome Big Day of Giving Mentees

Things I do for fun, and to build community

I Grow Dirt for Fun
I hand-craft small batches of potting and raised bed gardening soil and gift it along with saved seeds and cuttings to my neighbors and friends, who enjoy gifting me their fresh produce or other crafted items. This is a way I can build community with nothing but my neighbors and my own two hands. I call my soil “Mama’s Good Dirt.” The recipe is: coir, compost, manure, hardpan, and love. BYO bucket and drop on by.
Certified Wildlife Habitat, Little Free Library, and Take-a-Plant/Leave-a-Plant Stand
Come visit me and my critters, have tea in my front yard sensory garden, and leave with books, seeds, plant cuttings, recipes, inspiration and a smile.
How Can I Help You Grow?
Nonprofit organizations participating in the Sacramento Region Community Foundation’s Big Day of Giving 2023 automatically (like, for free!) receive access to a generous chunk of my mentoring and coaching services through their mentor program. If you are a small or emerging organization and you have been considering being part of Big Day of Giving, the training and mentorship offered is worth its weight in gold. Do it. And I’d love it if you picked me for your mentor. but honestly, all of the mentors are incredibly knowledgeable and generous individuals whom I’m proud to call friends.
If you are not participating in Big Day of Giving, please contact me to discuss my flexible sliding-scale fee structure and how I can help. First chat is always free.